Foster Information

We provide everything you will need to foster one of our dogs or cats.

Our dog or cat will come with a bed, a crate, food, bowls,and toys to make it successful.Our rescue is also responsible for any vet care needed or any products/services that are needed after the dog or cat is in your care.

Because we do not have a facility to house animals Death Row Dogs Rescue needs foster homes (in Southern CA) for the dogs and cats we rescue. By making a commitment for a few days, weeks (sometimes months), you can save the life of a homeless pet. Fostering is an integral part of this organization, as it will allow us to place dogs and cats into loving homes while they wait for a permanent adoptive family. Due to the large number of homeless animals in the streets and animals arriving at Los Angeles area shelters on a daily basis, it is not always financially possible to put them all in boarding facilities. It is through foster homes that these animals are given the chance at life they deserve.

But What Does It enTAIL?
Being a foster parent entails taking a homeless animal into your home and providing him/her with food, water, shelter and LOVE. DRD Rescue will provide ALL food and medical care and continue to show them at our adoptions, display them on the websites, and do all of the leg work to ensure that we can find the animal a great home. We only ask that the foster family be available to bring their animal to our various local adoption events and drop off and pick up. (We even can help with that by providing transport if necessary!)

Taking a homeless animal into your home facilitates successful adoptions in extraordinary ways. Most important is the love and attention you can offer a pet in foster care. Many animals need to learn to rebuild trust in people after going through the trauma of being "dumped" by their prior families. By socializing and giving love to an animal YOU will make this dog or cat a more attractive candidate to a potential adopter...THUS MAKING IT EASY FOR THOSE TO MAKE ADOPTION THEIR FIRST OPTION! Some homeless animals have fended for themselves on the street and will greatly benefit from a routine. Others have spent too much time confined in a shelter and will need lots of opportunity to play. Many animals have been abused....badly abused...and just need some tender loving care from a warm heart and a kind hand. All animals who will enter foster care through DRD Rescue have been behavior-tested to ensure adoptability.

We promise that we will do our best to meet YOUR needs, should you want to open up your home to be a foster. We will take into consideration your current pets, work schedules, time commitment, yard constraints, etc. YOU WILL NOT BE WITHOUT SUPPORT!

What do I get if I do this?
Your reward is a wagging tail, a nuzzle, sweet and soft purrs and the knowledge that YOU helped save a life. In some cases we pay the foster money. The more foster homes we have, the more animals we can save. If you would like the challenging yet heartwarming and rewarding experience of being a foster home, please download our foster home application. Feel free to call us at 818-722-1810 if you have any questions or concerns about fostering.